Directed by: Natacha Belova (Russia-Belgium)
9 to 15 May (Monday to Sunday)
9 to 15 May (Monday to Sunday)
In the frame of the Funicular Project*: a Training Project on
Puppetry by CAMa - Centro de Artes da Marioneta / A Tarumba
Puppetry by CAMa - Centro de Artes da Marioneta / A Tarumba
Registration is now closed. For more information click here
Natasha Belova is a unique puppet builder, which has been highlighted in the puppetry world by the quality and intriguing beauty of her creations.
A workshop not to be missed that will take place in Teatro Nacional D. Maria II during FIMFA, the participants will build a puppet of human size with a hybrid body.
For: Puppeteers, actors, dancers, visual artists, performing arts students
Number of participants: 15
Workshop times: Monday to Sunday from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm
Natacha Belova
Costume designer, set designer and puppeteer. Natasha was born in Russia in 1969 and since childhood she always lived in a theatrical atmosphere, thanks to her actor and director father. She began very early to work in the theatre, and at 14 was already drawing costumes and sets for some shows in the theatre that her father had founded and directed. Nicola graduated in History and Law in 1993.
In 1995 she went to Belgium and returned to work in theatre. She worked for nineteen years as a costume designer, set designer and puppeteer, with about twenty different directors, including Jean-Michel d’Hoop, Franco Dragone, Carlo Boso, Galin Stoev, Didier de Neck, Philippe Blasband, Isabelle Pousseur, Christophe Sermet, Raoul collectif. She participated as a designer and choreographer on the work of the Chilean writer and filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky, "Trois Vieilles". She created costumes for about fifty shows, but also for dance, circus and cinema.
This journey gave her the recognition in the Belgian artistic area, with three nominations for Prix de la Critique of Belgian Theatre (2008, 2009, 2010), and received the award in the category of Visual Creation (2010).
In recent years she had the opportunity to export her know-how in the joint work of a Belgian-Korean project and a French-Brazilian, following the international tour of the show in which she worked (Spain, Canada, Russia, Korea, Chile and Brazil) and giving courses in Belgium, France, Russia, Brazil, Chile and Malaysia.
Natasha Belova is a unique puppet builder, which has been highlighted in the puppetry world by the quality and intriguing beauty of her creations.
A workshop not to be missed that will take place in Teatro Nacional D. Maria II during FIMFA, the participants will build a puppet of human size with a hybrid body.
Number of participants: 15
Workshop times: Monday to Sunday from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm
Costume designer, set designer and puppeteer. Natasha was born in Russia in 1969 and since childhood she always lived in a theatrical atmosphere, thanks to her actor and director father. She began very early to work in the theatre, and at 14 was already drawing costumes and sets for some shows in the theatre that her father had founded and directed. Nicola graduated in History and Law in 1993.
In 1995 she went to Belgium and returned to work in theatre. She worked for nineteen years as a costume designer, set designer and puppeteer, with about twenty different directors, including Jean-Michel d’Hoop, Franco Dragone, Carlo Boso, Galin Stoev, Didier de Neck, Philippe Blasband, Isabelle Pousseur, Christophe Sermet, Raoul collectif. She participated as a designer and choreographer on the work of the Chilean writer and filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky, "Trois Vieilles". She created costumes for about fifty shows, but also for dance, circus and cinema.
This journey gave her the recognition in the Belgian artistic area, with three nominations for Prix de la Critique of Belgian Theatre (2008, 2009, 2010), and received the award in the category of Visual Creation (2010).
In recent years she had the opportunity to export her know-how in the joint work of a Belgian-Korean project and a French-Brazilian, following the international tour of the show in which she worked (Spain, Canada, Russia, Korea, Chile and Brazil) and giving courses in Belgium, France, Russia, Brazil, Chile and Malaysia.
If you want to receive news about the next workshops, please send us an e-mail to ou
A training program of CAMa - Centro de Artes da Marioneta | A Tarumba of international workshops designed for professionals selected on the basis of their curriculum and experience. The registration is international and due to the selection of the trainers and trainees, combines puppetry with other art forms. The contemporary puppet theatre combines many manipulation techniques or artistic fields. The traditional manipulation techniques are reinvented. The puppeteer must know how to control and manipulate both his body and voice, and, simultaneously, taking advantage of the diversity and aesthetic freedoms from puppetry and animated forms.
The first set of workshops was held in 2010, with Stephen Mottram and Agnès Limbos, two very important creators in contemporary puppetry and objects theatre. In 2011 took place the workshop held by the American Jim Kroupa, one of the most famous and prestigious puppeteer and puppet builder who has worked on several Muppet projects on building mechanisms for puppets. In 2012 took place the workshops “Creating theatre for young audiences: light and movement” directed by Francesca Sorgato and Flop Lefebvre; and “Behind the screen: introduction to shadow and to the shadow theatre” directed by Fabrizio Montecchi, from Teatro Gioco Vita, one of the great masters of shadow theatre. Agnès Limbos and Nicole Mossoux, from Cie Mossoux-Bonté, directed the workshop “The Body and the Object” in 2013. Thomas Lundqvist, regarded as the European greatest specialist in Bunraku, coordinated in 2014 the workshop “Bunraku Puppet: The Anatomy and Manipulation”. In 2015 took place the workshops “Body, Puppet and Manipulation: Human Body - Human Doll” led by Antje Töpfer and created by Iris Meinhardt, “Moving Image in Space” led by Kalle Nio and “Video, Puppets and Objects in Performance” led by Gavin Glover.
If you want to receive news about the next workshops, please send us an e-mail to ou
A training program of CAMa - Centro de Artes da Marioneta | A Tarumba of international workshops designed for professionals selected on the basis of their curriculum and experience. The registration is international and due to the selection of the trainers and trainees, combines puppetry with other art forms. The contemporary puppet theatre combines many manipulation techniques or artistic fields. The traditional manipulation techniques are reinvented. The puppeteer must know how to control and manipulate both his body and voice, and, simultaneously, taking advantage of the diversity and aesthetic freedoms from puppetry and animated forms.
The first set of workshops was held in 2010, with Stephen Mottram and Agnès Limbos, two very important creators in contemporary puppetry and objects theatre. In 2011 took place the workshop held by the American Jim Kroupa, one of the most famous and prestigious puppeteer and puppet builder who has worked on several Muppet projects on building mechanisms for puppets. In 2012 took place the workshops “Creating theatre for young audiences: light and movement” directed by Francesca Sorgato and Flop Lefebvre; and “Behind the screen: introduction to shadow and to the shadow theatre” directed by Fabrizio Montecchi, from Teatro Gioco Vita, one of the great masters of shadow theatre. Agnès Limbos and Nicole Mossoux, from Cie Mossoux-Bonté, directed the workshop “The Body and the Object” in 2013. Thomas Lundqvist, regarded as the European greatest specialist in Bunraku, coordinated in 2014 the workshop “Bunraku Puppet: The Anatomy and Manipulation”. In 2015 took place the workshops “Body, Puppet and Manipulation: Human Body - Human Doll” led by Antje Töpfer and created by Iris Meinhardt, “Moving Image in Space” led by Kalle Nio and “Video, Puppets and Objects in Performance” led by Gavin Glover.